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The company allocates over 2.6 million euros to its corporate
community, to protect its purchasing power. The sum will be made available
in mid-December, through corporate welfare instruments

Cesena, 2 December 2022. Over 2.6 million euro will go to more than 8,700 employees, who will receive 300 euro net each. The Amadori group has decided to help its white-collar and blue-collar employees cope with the rising cost of living.
The company decided to support employees in this difficult social and economic time. The help comes in the form of a contribution that will be disbursed to the corporate community in the coming days.
“Our Group will close the 2022 financial year with growing results and revenues despite increased operating costs, from the price of raw materials to that of energy - said Denis Amadori. This performance was made possible thanks to the daily commitment of all our employees, who we decided to support through an immediately available financial contribution."
The initiative is the latest in a series of corporate welfare actions undertaken by the company. It adds to its constant commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, which Amadori promotes in all the areas in which it operates.