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Over ten years ago, Amadori began its journey towards a more sustainable world.

Every day we implement concrete actions to protect our world: we promote an environmental culture, we monitor the achievement of our established environmental and energy goals, we carefully manage the waste cycle, and we aim for the recovery of resources, using energy from virtuous and renewable sources wherever possible. In the coming years we want to extend the ISO 14001  environmental system and ISO 50001 energy management system, which are already in operation, the former in four plants and the latter in one, to all the food processing sites.

Towards environmental sustainability | Amadori
Towards environmental sustainability

ProtectING the environment has always been at the top of our priorities. Find out why and how by clicking here.

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Our commitment to mitigating climate change | Amadori
Our commitment to mitigating climate change

We are aware of our environmental impact: that is why we are increasingly choosing self-generated electricity and heat energy or energy from renewable sources.

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People are our company's engine and make us leaders in the sector. Respect for employees and diversity, health and safety, home-work balance, professional growth and active involvement are the pillars of our personnel management policy.
Building community | Amadori
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Building community

To create a stimulating environment that brings out skills and competencies, personnel management policies are based on respect for employees and diversity. Health and safety, home-work balance, professional growth and active involvement are the pillars of Amadori's management.

Professional training and growth | Amadori
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Professional training and growth

Training is a strategic asset for the company, which sees it as a tool for motivating employees and enhancing skills and competences by offering paths for professional growth.

Focus on people throughout the supply chain | Amadori
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Focus on people throughout the supply chain

The safety and health of workers are Amadori's number one priority.


At Amadori we have chosen to return a large part of the value we generate to local suppliers in the areas where we operate, to ensure a controlled, reliable and traceable supply chain which enhances the Italian economic and productive fabric.

Growing, together | Amadori
Growing, together

At Amadori, we have chosen to return a large part of the value we generate to our local suppliers to ensure a controlled, reliable and traceable supply chain which promotes the Italian economic and productive fabric.

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Commitment to local areas | Amadori
Commitment to local areas

Aware of its responsibility towards the local area and its communities, Amadori creates value through various initiatives, building constant dialogue and solid relationships with all the local communities in which it operates.

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These pages include the story of a year marked by great commitment.

An important part of a journey that will allow us to grow in an even more aware, responsible and attentive way.

Read the sustainability report
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